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There are many ways to serve at FUMC Georgetown. For more information about these opportunities, email

Care Chaplain

If you have a heart for those who are suffering, lonely, grieving, or just in need of a friend, becoming a Care Chaplain might be for you! Here is what being a Care Chaplain might involve: visiting folks who are home-centered on a weekly or monthly basis, hospital visits, helping with funerals at the church, writing cards, making calls to visitors or new members, visiting retirement facilities to see church members regularly, or taking flowers or food to folks in need.


For more information or to volunteer, contact Kathy Pena at or Pastor Tina at 

Comforting Hands

PALS Volunteer

PALS (Patience And Loving Support) is a ministry of FUMC Georgetown to our members as well as the Georgetown community. The ministry offers four hours of respite care on Mondays to persons who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or another dementia. The time away also gives needed rest to the spouse or other caregiver. There are many opportunities for volunteer service at PALS. You may volunteer for one or more Mondays each month. Some of the needs are for only 1 or 2 hours. There are positions available in the following areas of our PALs ministry: musician, craft helper, exercise leader, games assistant, a “buddy” to a participant, entertainment ideas assistant (can be done by email or phone), or planning assistant.


For more information or to volunteer, contact Kathy Pena at


Worship Arts

We’re looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help enhance our worship experience! Join the Altar Guild to prepare the sanctuary and Communion elements, become an Usher to warmly welcome and assist worshipers, or participate as an Acolyte (grades 3-6) to light candles and help with Communion. We also need Scripture Readers to share God’s word, Communion Servers to assist during Communion, and creative minds for the Liturgical Arts team and Flower Ministry. Tech savy? Join our Audio/Visual team to manage sound and video during worship!


For more information or to volunteer, contact Marc Profant at

Receptions Team

This team prepares for bereavement receptions which are offered on behalf of family members so they may have a comfortable setting in which to greet mourners who have come to grieve with them. This team also prepares for other types of receptions, celebrations, and special meals in the life of the church. Opportunities to serve on the Reception Team include preparing or providing food, coordinating catering when appropriate, decorating when needed, helping with setup, serving, and clean up. 

For more information or to volunteer, contact Mary Bray at

Children's Ministry

Have you ever wondered what exactly happens when the children leave for children’s church? Do you wish you could help with children, but not have to teach? Volunteer for children’s church! We’re looking for patient adults to buddy with some of our 5-year-old worshippers in children’s church. 

For more information or to volunteer, contact Laura Painchaud at

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Student Ministry

Our Student Ministry focuses on helping our students strengthen their faith foundation and deepening their relationship with God. Our effectiveness comes as a result of strong parent and adult engagement in the lives of our students. 

For more information or to volunteer, contact Kenny at

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