FUMC Georgetown takes our responsibility to care for children, students, and vulnerable adults very seriously. A safe environment is fundamental to all as we grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ and others. Our policies follow the guidelines of the Central Texas Conference. These policies are intended to create a safe environment for children, students, and vulnerable adults, protecting them, the adults who work with them, and the mission of this church.

Ministry Safe Process
The MinistrySafe Protection Policy of First United Methodist Church (FUMC) provides a covenant framework for sharing in ministry together. Our goal is to create a safe environment for children, students, and vulnerable adults as well as for adult staff and volunteers serving in these ministries. Please complete our simple 5-step process to be certified for work with children, students, and vulnerable adults.
Please complete and submit this Volunteer Application. This will initiate the process for a background check and MinistrySafe Sexual Abuse Awareness Online Training.
You will receive an email from MinistrySafe to complete your secure online background check. You will need your social security number and your driver’s license number to complete the background check.
You will receive an email with the link to the online training for MinistrySafe Sexual Abuse Awareness. Please allow one hour to complete this training.
After completing the online training, please review the MinistrySafe Policies and Procedures to learn how the United Methodist Church is implementing MinistrySafe.
Please sign the covenant statement, to abide by the procedures and policies of First United Methodist Church Georgetown.
FUMC Georgetown Medical and Liability Release