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Senior Adult Ministries

Methodists on the Move (M&Ms) is a Senior Adult Ministry at FUMC Georgetown. This ministry offers retirement aged adults events and activities, such as day trips, serving opportunities, educational speakers, extended trips, art classes, special events, and much more! The hope is that this ministry will help our Sr. Adults know they are valued in this church, and they will meet new friends, learn new things, explore new places, and reach new people in our community. If you have questions or would like more information, email or call the church office at 512-863-2370. 


Upcoming Events

M&Ms Coffee Talk

Join us for M&Ms Coffee Talk on Wednesdays. We will gather in the Fellowship Hall at 10:00 AM for conversation, coffee, tea, and maybe even a few snacks! Pastor Tina will be there to share in the fun. No agenda, just good fellowship.​


Christmas Luncheon

Join us on Wednesday, December 13th,from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM in the MCMC for our Christmas Luncheon! Join us for a delicious catered meal, entertainment, and fun. Invite your friends. Registration is just $11/person. You may pay in person at the church or online at



Sr. Adult Groups


Strong Bones

Strong Bones is a gentle exercise program that uses weights to work on balance. Strong Bones meets at 10:00 AM weekly on Tuesdays and Thursdays in room 308. Exercises are done for strength and balance while standing or sitting in a chair. The program includes the use of hand and ankle weights which are available at each session. 


Seminars from Community Partners


Seniors Living Smarter
Live better. Live wiser. Live more fulfilled. Seniors Living Smarter offer free seminars to equip, educate, and inspire Seniors to make informed choices and decisions around you lifestyle goals. To sign up: visit, or call 512-682-7339. 

Seminars are offered on our campus in the MCMC classrooms monthly. 

Upcoming Seminars​​

  • September 14: Caring for a Loved One with Memory Loss

  • October 19: Are you Aware of the Threats Around You?

  • November 9: Successes in Senior Living

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